2022 Zone Show
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Singleton Plaza Park 231 N. Rogers Street, Waxahachie, TX 75165
Registration is officially open and a full version of the registration form can be found by clicking on the link below.
You can pay your fees by check or through Venmo. Either method you use, please complete the form online or if you prefer you can mail it in. Please send it to the address on the form. Pre-registration is $20 and $25 on the day of the show. Dinner is $20 per person.
The schedule includes the show, a raffle, 50/50 drawing, and fun awards that YOU will vote on. There will also be an option to have your car formally judged if requested. We will have a hospitality tent with refreshments and shade and there are also plenty of trees surrounding this ample space that is ours for the day.
And after all of that fun in what we hope will be sun, we will head over to Mike & Cindy Payton’s property for a casual, catered, outdoor dinner. Dinner will be delivered from El Fenix.
Please watch the following deadlines:
October 10, 2022: Reserve a hotel room from our block
October 18, 2022: Sign up for dinner so we can finalize our catering order
October 18, 2022: Postmark deadline for pre-registration
Our block of hotel rooms WILL be released October 10th, so reserve early if you need one. The hotel information is as follows:
The rate is $130 plus taxes.
Hampton Inn Waxahachie - Use code CHHNTO
2010 Civic Center Lane
Waxahachie TX 75165
(972) 923-0666
Due to construction, access the parking lot from N. Rogers.
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Set-Up & Check-In
9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Car Show (Fun Award Voting & requested Formal Judging)
9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Hospitality Tent Open – Club Merchandise available for sale
2:30 p.m. Raffle, Drawing, and Award Presentation @ Show Field
5:30 p.m. Dinner @ Payton’s, 402 E Pecan Tree Rd, Waxahachie, TX
Bring your chairs, hand sanitizer, masks if you want to wear them, and your Oldsmobile Club Spirit. This is our chance to commiserate with our fellow auto-enthusiasts, friends, and family.
Any questions call or email: Kendall Workman - 214-802-4886, kworkman1956@sbcglobal.net
Mail the complete for and your check to the address listed here
NTOC 2022 Zone Show
404 Georgetown Dr., Richardson, TX 75081
Or you may send your payment through VENMO using: ntoc.venmo@gmail.com
Please indicate what the payment is for in the memo field
NOTE: If you use Venmo you still need to mail or email your registration form
email forms to: ntoc.email@gmail.com