Blackstone Labs does oil analysis on cars, trucks, aircraft, marine engines, motorcycles and industrial equipment engines.

According to their website “We can perform our standard oil analysis on any sample of oil, whether it’s engine or transmission oil, gear or hydraulic oil, an oil-based additive, or another type of oil for your car, truck, aircraft, boat, motorcycle, industrial machine, train, barber shop chair, or something else!”

If you would like to find out how the oil is performing in your vehicle’s engine contact Blackstone Labs and they will mail you a free sample collection kit. In the kit you’ll find a small bottle to put your car’s fluid collection in, a felt cloth to wrap around that to protect against spills, a small Ziploc bag to put that bottle and felt in and labels and paperwork. Blackstone recommends driving your car 15-20 minutes before collecting the (hot) sample. The sample is not considered hazardous liquid to mail through the post office. The Blackstone website has a letter that you can print out to show the postal employee when you mail it out.

Each fluid sample costs $35 for Blackstone to do an analysis to check for the level of metal wear and additives in the oil. They will also do a spectrographic investigation of the grade of oil, the amount of solids present in the oil and the flashpoint temperature at which vapors from the oil ignite to check for contaminants. Unlike other analysis I have had performed on oil in the past, Blackstone Labs will show a full review of the oil contents, and the technician who performed the analysis will also do a writeup with his opinions of current wear and tear, etc. of the engine or device the oil came from, via email to be received about three weeks after sending in the postage paid canister.


416 East Pettit Avenue, Fort Wayne, IN 46806. 1-260-744-2380 (8-5 EST)